Livecode Wiki

In this example we look at how to use LiveCode server to upload a file. You'll need web server with LiveCode Server in order to follow along with this lesson. If you need hosting, is provided by Livecode Ltd and is pre configured with the latest LiveCode Server engines.

Create the basic HTML form[]

We need to start by creating a web form that lets the user select a file form their computer and 'post' this information to the server. This is form.html:

   <H1>Upload Form</H1>
   <form enctype="multipart/form-data" action="" method="POST">
    Choose a file to upload: <input name="uploadedfile" type="file" /><br />
    <input type="submit" value="Upload File" />

The simple form

A few key things to point out:

  • enctype = "multipart/form-data": This tells the browser that the form is going to pass multipart data which is what we have to set if we're going to upload files.
  • action = "": You'll see in the example that the action is a LiveCode file. This is where the form will post its data too and where our script to handle the upload should go. We still need to write it, see below.
  • name="uploadedfile": You'll notice that we've created a 'input' form element with the name 'uploadedfile'. The file data will appear in the $_Files array under that key.

Create the livecode script[]

Add the LiveCode Script to check for the uploaded file, this is

  set the errorMode to "inline"
   <H1>Upload Form</H1>
   <form enctype="multipart/form-data" action="" method="POST">
    Choose a file to upload: <input name="uploadedfile" type="file" /><br />
    <input type="submit" value="Upload File" />
   <H1>Uploaded Files</H1>
     if $_Files[uploadedfile][error] then
      put "There was an error uploading your file:" && $_Files[uploadedfile][error] & "<br />"
      put $_Files[uploadedfile][name] into tFileName
      put $_Files[uploadedfile][type] into tFileType
      put $_Files[uploadedfile][size] into tFileSize
      put $_Files[uploadedfile][filename] into tFilePath
      put "Your file '" & tFileName & "' was uploaded successfully. It is" && tFileSize && "bytes in size."
     end if

The script

  1. Upload it to your server.
  2. Open a browser and navigate to your file.
  3. Click 'choose file' and select any file from your local system.
  4. Wait for it to upload.
  5. It should display the name and size of the uploaded file.

You'll notice we've added a little extra HTML header 'Uploaded Files' under which we are displaying the information from our upload ($_FILES).

Notice that all the information, including errors are stored in the $_FILES array against a key with the same name as our input box (uploadedfile) in the web form.

You can access the name, type, size and path of the uploaded file via the $_FILES array.

Do something with the file[]

In this step I've added code which displays the content of the file if it is found to be a 'text' file. This information is available in the $_FILES array. This is (advanced version):

  set the errorMode to "inline"
  <H1>Upload Form</H1>
  <form enctype="multipart/form-data" action="" method="POST">
   Choose a file to upload: <input name="uploadedfile" type="file" /><br />
   <input type="submit" value="Upload File" />
  <H1>Uploaded Files</H1>
   if $_Files[uploadedfile][error] then
    put "There was an error uploading your file:" && $_Files[uploadedfile][error] & "<br />"
    put $_Files[uploadedfile][name] into tFileName
    put $_Files[uploadedfile][type] into tFileType
    put $_Files[uploadedfile][size] into tFileSize
    put $_Files[uploadedfile][filename] into tFilePath
    put "Your file '" & tFileName & "' was uploaded successfully. It is" && tFileSize && "bytes in size."
    // If the file is a text file, the display what is in the file
    if tFileType is "text/plain" then
     put URL ("file:" & tFilePath) into tText
     put "<h1>File Content</h1><p>" & tText & "</p>"
    end if
   end if

Example with file content