Livecode Wiki

Returns the contents of a field chunk as plain text.Syntax:

get the unicodePlainText of [chunk of] field


write the unicodePlainText of field 1 to file myTextFile
put word 1 to 3 of the unicodePlainText of field "lorem" into tFirstThreeWords

Use the unicodePlainText property to get the content of a field as plain text with any listStyle properties being converted appropriately into plain-text for the paragraphs the affect.

When you get a field's unicodePlainText, the field's text is converted to plain text with any listStyle property being converted appropriately into plain-text.

Any paragraphs with listStyle set are prefixed by an appropriate plain-text form of the bullet or index. The property returns text encoded in UTF-16 in host byte-order.

See also: unicodeFormattedText (property),formattedText (property),
