Livecode Wiki

Specifies the location of the specified object's upper left corner.Syntax:

set the topLeft of <object> to left,top


set the topLeft of player 1 to 0,0
set the topLeft of last field to the bottomRight of field 1

Use the topLeft property to change the placement of a control or window.

The topLeft of a stack is in [[absolute (screen) coordinates(glossary)]]. The first item (the left) of a card's topLeft property is always zero; the second item (the top) is always zero. The topLeft of a group or control is in [[relative (window) coordinates(glossary)]].

In window coordinates, the point 0,0 is at the top left of the stack window. In screen coordinates, the point 0,0 is at the top left of the screen.

Changing the topLeft of an object(glossary) moves it to the new position without resizing it. To change an object's size, set its height, width, or rectangle properties.

The order of the top and left parameters is

reversed compared to the property name: left comes first, then top.

See also: stacks (function),stack (object),left (property),height (property),topRight (property),properties (property),width (property),pixels (property),
