Rounds off a number to the nearest integer.
Built-in Function handler[]
round(variable, number you want to round it to)
the round of 26.2 -- yields 26
the round of 2.5 -- yields 3 (rounds up)
round(845.6604,2) -- yields 845.66
round(9734.22,-3) -- yields 10000
Use the round function to round off numbers and eliminate insignificant digits for financial applications.
The round function performs financial-style rounding. If the number is exactly halfway between two numbers, round always rounds the number up if positive, down if negative. (To round off numbers without introducing any statistical upward bias, use the statRound function instead.)
A positive precision indicates a place to the right of the decimal point, and a negative precision indicates a place to the left. For example, 1 rounds off to the nearest tenth, 2 rounds off to the nearest hundredth, -1 rounds off by ten, and so on. If you don't specify a precision, zero is used, meaning that the number is rounded off to a whole number.
The statRound function is equivalent to HyperTalk's "round" function.
- number: Any number or expression that evaluates to a number.
- precision (integer): An integer giving the decimal place to round off to.
- Returns: The round function returns a number.
See also: statRound (function), random (function), abs (function), extents (function), average (function),