Livecode Wiki

Gives processing time to QuickTime during video previewing and recording.Syntax:



send "revVideoGrabIdle" to me in 10 milliseconds

Use the revVideoGrabIdle command to avoid display problems during video capture.

When using QuickTime for video capture, you need to execute the revVideoGrabIdle command periodically in order to let QuickTime update the display. (Not doing so may cause the video in the [[video grabber]] to stutter or display strange screen artifacts.) If you have issued the revPreviewVideo or revRecordVideo command, be sure to call the revVideoGrabIdle command periodically until you stop previewing or recording video.

There is no specific interval to use between calls to revVideoGrabIdle. If you are seeing jittering or strange artifacts in the video grabber window, try decreasing the interval and calling revVideoGrabIdle more often.

If you specified "VFW" or "directx" as the video method when you executed the revInitializeVideoGrabber command, you don't need to call revVideoGrabIdle. If the video capture is using Video for Windows, the revVideoGrabIdle command is ignored and has no effect. You need to call revVideoGrabIdle only if you specified "QT" as the video method.

The revVideoGrabIdle command is part of the 

Video library. To ensure that the command works in a standalone application, you must include this custom library when you create your standalone. In the Inclusions pane of the Standalone Application Settings window, make sure the "Video Grabber" library checkbox is checked.

Changes: The use of QuickTime was deprecated in version 8.1 of LiveCode with new defaults for dontUseQT and dontUseQTEffects as true on all systems apart from pre OS X 10.8. The Windows build of LiveCode no longer supports any QuickTime features and setting the dontUseQT and dontUseQTEffects will have no effect. Additionally QuickTime does not include 64 bit support and therefore can not be supported on OS X 64 bit builds of LiveCode.

See also: revPreviewVideo (command),revRecordVideo (command),Video library (library),idle (message),
