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Specifies which platform the user-interface controls resemble.


set the lookAndFeel to {"Appearance Manager"|Macintosh|Motif|"Windows 95"}


set the lookAndFeel to "Motif"
set the lookAndFeel to the selectedLine of field "Appearance"

Use the lookAndFeel property to preview the appearance of stacks on a platform other than the one you're developing on.

The lookAndFeel property determines the appearance and behavior of scrollbars, objects borders, checkboxes and radio buttons, and buttons. It also changes the appearance of the active (focused) control.

However, changing this property does not provide an exact representation of the appearance and behaviour of the stack on the target platform. For example, cursors do not change, and neither do the placement of the menu bar or the way window dragging and resizing works. Only the appearance of controls is affected.

By default, the lookAndFeel is set to the platform the stack is being used on. On Windows XP, Mac OS and OS X systems, the lookAndFeel is set to "Appearance Manager" by default.

The "Appearance Manager" option can be used only on Windows XP, Mac OS and OS X systems. If you set the lookAndFeel to "Appearance Manager" on a Unix system, it is reset to "Motif". Similarly, tf you set the lookAndFeel to "Appearance Manager" on a pre-Windows XP system, it is reset to "Wondows 95".

On Mac OS systems, the native Appearance Manager drawing routines are much slower than the emulated Platinum routines. Setting the lookAndFeel to "Macintosh" rather than "Appearance Manager" will speed up drawing of controls.

The phrases "Appearance Manager" and "Windows 95" must be enclosed in quotes because they consist of more than one word.

Changes: The "Appearance Manager" option was introduced in version 1.1. In previous versions, LiveCode applications always used the Platinum appearance on Mac OS systems, regardless of which theme was selected on the user's system.

See also: scrollbar (object),stack (object),control (object),emacsKeyBindings (property),activatePalettes (property),hiliteBorder (property),
