Livecode Wiki

Remove all pending touch interactions from the event queue.





Use iphoneClearTouches to remove all pending touch interactions from the event queue.

As interaction events (touch and mouse messages) are queued, it is possible for such messages to accumulate when they aren't needed. In particular, when executing 'waits', 'moves' or during card transitions. To handle this case, the iphoneClearTouches command has been added. At the point of calling, all pending touch interactions are removed from the event queue.

iphoneClearTouches also cancels any existing mouse or touch sequences, meaning that you (and the engine) will not receive a mouseUp, mouseRelease, touchEnd or touchCancel message for any current interactions.

A good example of when this command might be useful is when playing an instructional sound:

on tellUserInstructions
   play specialFolderPath("engine") & slash & "Instruction_1.mp3"
   wait until the sound is "done"
end tellUserInstructions

Here, if the iphoneClearTouches call was not made, any touch events the user created while the sound was playing would be queued and then be delivered immediately afterwards potentially causing unwanted effects.

See Also: touchStart Message, touchEnd Message, touchRelease Message, touchMove Message
