Livecode Wiki

Allows an owner or editor (if the ACL update policy allows) of a shared folder to remove another member.


dropboxRemoveFolderMember ''pAccessToken'', ''pSharedFolderId'', ''pMember'', ''pLeaveACopy'', [''pCallback'']


  • pAccessToken: An OAuth2 Access token to access the user's account
  • pSharedFolderId: The ID for the shared folder.
  • pMember: An array with either an email key or a dropbox_id key to identify the member to remove
  • pLeaveACopy: Keep a copy of the folder's contents upon relinquishing membership. The default for this field is False.
  • pCallback: The handler to call when the request is complete. If empty the command will block until complete. Requires tsNet with LiveCode Indy License.

Apps must have full Dropbox access to use this endpoint.

If the callback parameter is not empty the request will be asynchronus and when complete the callback will be sent to the object that accessed the API. The callback will be sent with three parameters:

  • - The request ID which will be the value of the it variable after calling the command
  • - The HTTP response code
  • - The data returned which will be the same data as documented for the it variable in a synchronous request.

Output values:

  • The result: An error if the HTTP request failed
  • It: For asynchronous requests it will contain a request ID. This may be used with tsNet's tsNetGetStatus function. If the request is synchronous and successful the it

variable will be a UTF-8 encoded JSON string in the form:

".tag": "complete"

If an error occurred the JSON string will be in the following form:

"error_summary": string,
"error": {
".tag": string