Livecode Wiki

Equivalent to the number 6.Syntax:



set the cursor to busy

Use the busy constant to set the cursor(property) to a rotating beachball shape, suitable for showing the progress of lengthy operations.

The busy cursor(property) is a rotating beach ball. Each time you use the statement set the cursor to busy, the beach ball advances in its rotation. For example, the following statements cause the cursor(property) to appear to spin as long as the repeat loop is running:

   repeat until someCondition is true
   set the cursor to busy -- spins a bit further
   doSomething -- insert whatever you want the loop to do here
   end repeat

The following two statements are equivalent:

   set the cursor to busy
   set the cursor to 6

However, the first is easier to read and understand in LiveCode.

If you use the busy cursor(property) or other

standard cursors in your application, you must include it when you create your standalone. Make sure the "Cursors" option on the Inclusions section on the General screen of the Standalone Application Settings window is checked.

See also: repeat (control structure),cursor (property),
